Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Benefits of Marketing

An organization adopting the market oriented business approach can enjoy the following benefits:

1.   Marketing risk can be released only by knowing and understanding the market.

      2.   Marketing enables the firm to move more quickly to capitalize on market opportunities.

   3.  Long-term success is assured to an enterprise on market opportunities.

4.   Interests of the enterprise and society can be harmonized as profit through service emphasized.

5.   Supply is adjusted to the changing demand.

6.   It assures integrated view of business operations.

7.   It indicates interdependence of different departments of business organization.

8.   Greater attention is given to the product planning and development.

9.   Customers needs, wants and desires receive top consideration in all business activities.

10.   Long run can be assured to the organization through proper marketing of the product or services.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ethical Marketing

     To sell a product well, it is very important to use powerful selling words to really convey each and every little benefit that your product has to convince the buyer, the customer.
     There are some marketers who mislead customers into thinking that their products offer benefits that do not really exist in reality.

      It leads to the customer dissatisfaction and even they lose faith on other new products.

      Ethical marketing brings the faith in the minds of the customer. They trust in your product. Customers won’t think about the alternative product.

    Hence an organization should follow the ethical values to market their product. Ethical market leads the company to achieve their desired goals and build up the customer base for your organization. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Career Planning

Career Planning plays a vital role in developing and implementing your plans based on your skills and self awareness. There are few advantages of career planning listed below:

Favors of Career Planning

1. Career Planning enable you to acquire required education that will help you to attain promotions.

2. Career Planning help you to guide the areas where you can invest time and attention.

3. Career Planning helps you to grab opportunities residing in the environment unless they are grabbed by someone else.

4. Career Planning offers you the direction in the light of which you have to stay focused with your dedicated efforts.

5. Career Planning helps you to grow in which you are interested.

6. Career Planning you to implement your plans based on your skills and self awareness.