Wednesday, March 12, 2014

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing helps the business to expand their customer base. E-mail marketing is one of the simplest way to distribute information with little cost and less effort. Now a days E-mail marketing has become less effective due to spam filters. Even if a company sends a legitimate E-mail message, a spam filter might catch and delete it.

Businesses can use E-mail marketing to attract new customers. E-mail marketing introduces new products to existing customers as well. Businesses will also use E-mail to promote their products or services when they want to clear the inventory quickly. When used with the correct strategies, E-mail marketing is efficient and effective. You can use E-mail marketing to advertise your products.
Customers may not be interested to read the information which you have been provided in the mail. They might be dissatisfied if their is any mistakes in the mail. It might be a disadvantage for E-mail marketing. Chances are more to reject your mail in E-mail marketing. It is advantageous for small business as it cost less with minimum effort.

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